How Business Astrology Chart helps in Business Success?
Doing business and making it successful is a very different thing. If a person achieves the goal of success in the business he or she known as a successful person. failing in business means failing in life to.
All are working hard to achieve success in their business but only 60% people are able to achieve and sustain their business and rest of the people fails. and on the other side there are people how takes there work and business very lightly but then also they run a successful business. This is because the business they are doing is suitable to their kundali and planetary position. And how all are failing in their work must be working opposite to their planetary position.
First of all if you are planning to start a business then you should know by kundali vishleshan which work of line or business suites you the most. So that you do not face any problem after started working on your business.
The first question which comes in the mind when someone decides to start a business.
Which business is best for me
You will get this answer by the help of astrology. Astrologer rudraksh shrimali will analyses your kundali and specially 10th house 11th house and 12th house then tell you the best work of line or business in which you will get success with minimum difficulties.
For example: If your horoscope favors business, particularly indicating Saturn’s influence in the 10th house, it suggests that sectors such as iron, steel, wood, handicrafts, construction, etc., would be favorable for you to work in.
All the horoscope indicates different type of business’s which suite the person. it is just an example to explain you.
Why you are failing in your business
Failing in business in equivalent to failing in life. And there are many astrological factors which can be responsible in business failure.
1. Selection of business
People make mistake in choosing the work of line. They invest money in the business sector which are not suitable and supported by their kundali or horoscope so, choice the business according to the planetary position in your horoscope.
2. Running a loss making business?
There are many people how works very hard but still not able to hold money in their hands. In easy words they don’t know why and where the expense are done this is because in there horoscope 12th house is influence by some dosha or debilitation plant.
How astrologer rudraksh shrimali help in growing your business
Astrologer rudraksh shrimali analyses the kundali in every aspect. Than firstly clears you that you should do business or go for job, than by your horoscope and planetary position he will tells you which is the best business line for you. You should go for retail business on manufacturing is best for you, by planetary position and analyzing the 12 houses shrimali ji will also tell you where you should do your business. he will notify you what all thinks you should not go with so you escape from losses.
There are many problems which comes in the journey of success but to overcome them you should take help of astrology because astrology have all the answer and problems solution too.
Solve your entire problem with the help of astrology you can contact us on 992998449.
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