Health Issues from Birth Chart - Rudraksh Shrimali
The first and most important factor of happiness is owning a healthy body. Health is the factor which impacts person the most. If a person is ill or suffering from specific diseases he or she has to face many challenges and their life routine became stressful. It impact on their business, family, friends, and financial status. There are two major factor of health: mental and physical.
Health is the most important element of human being and that’s why in astrology 6th house is responsible for showing persons health status. What if you get to know about your health issues before it impacts you? Because doctors can treat and cure you after you are sick but astrology can tell you in advance that you are going to fall ill and you can treat it or take precautions beforehand.
From the entire 12 house in a kundli, 6th house tell us about disease or health issues a person may suffer from. Here planetary position plays vital role. All 9 planets have their own specifics and each planet controls a different part of the body.
For an example: if sun is in the 6th house and not in a good condition means debilitation(nich) and person is under the influence of sun then he or she have to face health problems like weak eyesight , headache, weak digestive system and hair fall this kind of health issues a person have to suffer due to the interaction of sun with 6th house.
This is about physical health but talking about mental health is also important because in India mental health is not even considered or counted as a problem.
The most important aspect of health sector which is highly underrated is ‘mental health’. Physical health can be cured quickly through medical facilities but mental health takes a lot of time to get cured. In astrology moon controls our mind and if moon is placed in 6th house or owns 6th house and debilitation to then a person faces mental stress and in some cases person suffers from depression. A broken down person take many years to cure himself from depression but by the help of astrology you can skip this depressing years from your life. Astrology can tell you in advance about your mental balance and mental illness and immediately after that you can get rid of the mental status by paying attention to your health. And if you are facing mental instability than also astrology help you in the curing.
Like this all planets control different body part and if there is a connection between 6th house and the planet then you may suffer from the specific disease from that specific planet.
By kundali vishleshan you can get to know about all the health related problems and from the help of astrology you can cure the disease beforehand. Astrologer rudraksh shrimali makes you comfortable and explains you in easy words which, why and when you may suffer from any disease and if it is bigger than expectation shrimali ji will tell you the correct solution with the help of astrology.
For health related queries you can contact us on 9929984849.
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