Marriage Astrology

Marriage Astrology

In today’s modern life, people’s relationships and love have been left behind. In the era of modernity and social media in the fast-paced life, people’s intimacy has ended. And it has a direct impact on our social system. The increasing number of divorces, influenced by mutual disputes, emotional attraction, love marriages without thinking, live-in relationships of those working together, marital life has become difficult among the youth of the society. But in the last two decades, the younger generation has learned a lot from tragic love marriages and divorces and they are now relying on horoscope matching and astrology. Astrologer Rudraksha Shrimali Marital Astrologer, keeping in mind various aspects, kundli matching is done so that the married life of both of them is sweet and loving!

Various aspects on which astrologer Rudraksha Shrimali pays special attention.

1. Mangal Vichar (Position of Mars)
2. Gun Milan
3. Nadi Dosha
4. Sexual Relation
5. Health
6. Economic status
7. Children
8. Previous love affairs
9. Status of divorce

Astrologer Rudraksha Shrimali considers these 9 important aspects during kundali matching.

1. Whether any of the two is manglik or not, if it is manglik, what will be its effect on their relationship, how effective is mangal Dosha?

2. Matching of virtues(gun) – How many qualities are found between the two, it is mandatory to get at least 22 gun, if you get less than that, then you should not proceed with marriage.

3. Nadi Dosha – There is no nadi Dosha between the two. How much and how can the effect of nadi Dosha will affect their married life.

4. Sex Relation – Physical relations between the two are very important to be satisfying if one of them is not developing disinterest or excessive lust in sex. If this is happening, they are told and attention is drawn to it.

5. Health – Neither the boy nor the girl is going to be a victim of any serious disease or any accident in the future, or due to the influence of one horoscope, the other is not going to suffer from disease or any dilemma.

6. Financial Condition – Money is the most important aspect of life, lack of money to run the car of married life smoothly, do not come between the family, what is the status of money in the relationship between the two in the coming time, astrologer Rudraksha Shrimali clearly tells. So that both of them can make it easier to make pre-marriage decisions.

7. Childern – What is the position of seventh house? The worst effect of modernity is affecting people’s bodies. IVF centers are crowded and the newlyweds are lining up to spend millions of rupees and suffer physical pains in search of a child!

Astrologer rudraksh shrimali always pays attention to the fact that there is no obstruction in childbirth between the two due to the planets.

8. The previous love relationship /love marriage– By Horoscope reading is there any chance of love marriage and love relationship?

And if they have been, then how much effect is that relationship going to have on their future married life. These aspects will be cleared by astrologer rudraksh shrimali.

9. Divorce Status /Re-marriage – Astrologer rudraksh shrimali has advised thousands of people who are confused that their marital life is not going well but they should take a big step like divorce or let go of what is going on.

Astrologer Rudraksha Shrimali will also give you accurate advice on what will happen after divorce in kundli or what will be beneficial for that man or woman. Some people wish to remarry after divorce, when is it possible and the upcoming marital life / marriage will be solved? Complete accurate information (prediction) of how the second marriage will be. Astrologer Rudraksha Shrimali will advise very easily with your horoscope discussion. So you must consult Marriage astrologer Rudraksh Shrimali once before think about marriage so that your married life is full of happiness and full of emotions and attachment.

Take appointment now or call on – +91 99299-84849.

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